Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Simple Short Week

Well the ladies made it to state in basketball with their victories at regionals so this week was cut short. We have Thursday and Friday off this week so the students were only here today and yesterday. Even though it was a short week though, we still got a lot accomplished. The students still took their spelling test this week on Wednesday and we went over some more math. The best part about this week though was that we have finally begun our writing genre studies. The students received their own Writer's Notebook in which they can write their drafts and pre-writing. This week we focused on learning about Narrative paragraphs. We began by reading a story called Gloria from The Stories Julian Tells. We then discussed what components of a paragraph make a great narrative. The students actually came up with everything I wanted them to know such as it tells about an event in your own life, uses I, we, us and is in sequential order (first, next, then, last). The students were able to do their first pre-writing activity and complete their first rough draft before the week ended. I am really excited about the writing notebooks and I think the students are too!

We started our newest soil unit in science this week. We talked about the vocabulary soil, humus, topsoil, bedrock, clay, and loam as well as where soil comes from. We started to create a soil layers flipbook, which we will complete next week as well. I think this unit will be fun as at the end the students will get to do a lab with the soil types and water.

Hopefully the girls have a great time at state this week and play their best. I know the whole school is rooting for them and wishing them the best. Enjoy your weekend!
-Laura Hill

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