Sunday, April 13, 2014

Growing Plants and Learning 4 Facts

This last week started off with something different as we went to see the Jr. High's play/musical rehearsal. They were performing Seussical Jr. a play with the story line of Horton Hears a Who but with other Dr. Seuss characters. The students became very excited about the play and I believe some of them went to see the actual performance on Wednesday night. As far as the classroom goes, the students started a new unit in science this week all about Plants. We started off discussing what the essential resources are that a plant needs to live and grow. These elements are air, water, sunlight and soil. We also talked about the parts of a plant and what they do to help bring in nutrients around the plant to allow them to grow. The students were very excited about this unit because they get to actually grow some different plants and observe them over the three week period. The students are doing an experiment to see whether beans will germinate the fastest in total sunlight, some sunlight, or no sunlight at all. They are also watching how Spider plants grow roots just by sitting in water. Next week the students will be planting more tiny seeds and observing how they sprout and grow.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Back from Spring Break

Once again the students and myself made it through a five day week after making up yet another day from missing school for State Basketball Tournament. We started the week off working on our April quilt squares and room hangers. The writing prompt for the quilt square this month was to write about your favorite Easter celebration. Many of the students  wrote about dyeing eggs and going on an Easter Egg hunt with their families. The second graders worked on turning their pieces to create an Easter basket shape for their quilt. Then they wrote their final draft paragraphs on a bunny shape to complete their quilt pieces. As for the hanger in the room, the students made little watering cans which around the edge said "April Showers Bring May Flowers". Hopefully we will get some gentle showers this April and less wind!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Bees and The Cool Crazy Crickets Club

This week the students learned many new interesting facts, mostly about bees. As it turns out, many of the activities and lessons this week had information about bees and what they do inside their hives. Together, we did an active reading lesson about bees using an article called Another Buzz for Bees, which discussed how bees are able to find flowers more easily if their nectar contains caffeine. This was a very difficult text, but I was quite impressed with how well the students were able to decode the main points in the article. Later in the week, we read a weekly reader that also was about bees which talked about how they make honey, and about their life cycle. The students were asked to work on using what they know about bees to answer questions and write a paragraph with their main idea, details and conclusion. The second graders seemed to really enjoy learning about bees as many of them did not like them. Now that they know more about bees and why they are important (mainly for helping flowers grow), they have more positive attitudes towards them.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy Saint Patrick's Day

Just wanted to say Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all of the families of my second grade students! Since we had school today I can write about some things we did in the classroom. In math today, the students talked about representing equal groups by drawing pictures. They are very excited about learning multiplication and this strategy of drawing a picture to help you sort groups is very helpful. In reading we began a chapter book called The Cool Crazy Crickets, which talked about a group of young students who created their own club. We worked on summarizing events and characters in the story and the students also were able to write about what they though the story meant to them, or how they could connect with it. We worked on revising our rough drafts in our writers notebook and the revision strategy we used was  adding more details. The students worked together in their color notebook groups to revise each others papers. I was very impressed by the amount of work some of the students put into revising other student's papers. What a wonderful collaboration between partners.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Simple Short Week

Well the ladies made it to state in basketball with their victories at regionals so this week was cut short. We have Thursday and Friday off this week so the students were only here today and yesterday. Even though it was a short week though, we still got a lot accomplished. The students still took their spelling test this week on Wednesday and we went over some more math. The best part about this week though was that we have finally begun our writing genre studies. The students received their own Writer's Notebook in which they can write their drafts and pre-writing. This week we focused on learning about Narrative paragraphs. We began by reading a story called Gloria from The Stories Julian Tells. We then discussed what components of a paragraph make a great narrative. The students actually came up with everything I wanted them to know such as it tells about an event in your own life, uses I, we, us and is in sequential order (first, next, then, last). The students were able to do their first pre-writing activity and complete their first rough draft before the week ended. I am really excited about the writing notebooks and I think the students are too!