Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Little Grunt and the Big Day

Today went by pretty quick as the students did ed performance testing in the afternoon, which took up about an hour and a half of the day. For math the students completed Assessment 17 that they started on Friday morning. The assessment consists of 60 math facts that are timed for four minutes. The students have to complete as many and as best they can in that amount of time. The students then mark what problems they completed in the allowed time and finish any unfinished problems during their work time. As for the main lesson in math today, the students were once again working with the tangrams. This time however, the students were learning how you can create the same shape using a different set of tangrams. So they were able to come up with around 4 ways per large shape that they could fill with different tangrams. The students really enjoyed this activity and also learned a lot about how shapes come together to create larger shapes. As for reading, the students read another story from their Reading Textbooks. This week is the last of Unit 4 which deals with animals past and present. Today's story was called Little Grunt and the Big Egg, which was all about a young caveman, his family and his new pet dinosaur George (first image of this post).

The students took turns reading the pages of the story and afterwards we worked together to fill out a comparison chart between this story and The Great Ball Game story they read last week. The overall connecting theme between these two stories was that each had some type of main character saving the day or saving the other characters in the story. The students also worked on another cause and effect chart that went along with today's story. The rest of reading time, the students were working on their activity pages, one being a crossword puzzle and another having to do with synonyms.
This was also my first week of teaching spelling! The students received their homework over the weekend to prepare them for the test on Friday. However, during class they also have some spelling worksheets and charts to complete that go along with their spelling word list. There are two groups of students with different spelling lists. One group was working with words that have the /s/ and /c/ words and the other group was working with words with the /j/ spelled j and g as well as /c/ spelled s or c. The students worked really hard today and got a lot done considering how much time ed performance took up this afternoon.
9780590433556We also are starting a unit on Abraham Lincoln and George Washington in English/social studies. Today the students looked at  primary source letters from Grace Bedell to Abe Lincoln about what she wanted him to do (grow a beard) for his upcoming election. The students also were read a book called Just Like Abraham Lincoln which told the story about a man who looked like Lincoln and ended up working for schools as a Lincoln guest speaker. The students learned all kinds of information about Lincoln's life and later this week they will be working on their February quilt piece which has to do with President Lincoln.
Tomorrow the students get to read another dinosaur story and work with regrouping in math again. Hopefully it will come a little easier to them tomorrow as I am going to try a different approach to learning. I am looking forward to the rest of the week, which I am sure will go by before I know it. To all of you families and students, I hope you have a great rest of the night!
-Laura Hill

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