Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Tests, Tests Everywhere- Farklempt, Quarters and More!

The week has once again flown by rather quickly as we come to Friday of this week. Today was quite a long day for the students as they had to take three different tests today. Their first test was of course the weekly spelling test which takes place on Friday. My spelling group had some very difficult challenge words such as farklempt (which came from a book we read). If you don't know what farklempt is.. Why not go look it up right now and find out? The students had to use their challenge words to create their own sentences using each word per sentence. The students seemed to understand the words and did a nice job overall on the unit 20 spelling test. As for the other two tests, one was in reading and the third was the last of the ed performance tests. Since this week was the wrap up of unit 4, the students took their reading test about the animals unit. The test involved multiple choice, cause and effect charts and writing a two paragraph research topic. The main readings in the test were about spiders, which excited many of the students since they knew a lot about spiders already.
As for ed performance, the students took their last one of the bunch which happened to be general science. After the ed performance tests some of the students took the Scholastic Reading Counts Inventory quiz, which the rest of the students will complete next week. Since there were so many tests many of the students were a little farklempt today!
original-118190-1In math we actually went over two lessons at once. The first lesson involved counting quarters and finding out how many quarters equaled certain dollar amounts.  For example, I would ask the students how many quarters it would take to make $1.75 or $3.00 and they would write their answers up on the board as I called on each student. It was a lot of fun since I had huge quarters with magnets on them printed on card stock so the whole class could see the money. The students also received some plastic quarters to show me certain amounts on their desks. After they had the chance to understand how to count quarters, we moved into the second lesson which was about rounding. The students were taught how to round a number to the nearest 10 by thinking about a number line. The students were given a number and had to write which two tens it came between and then say which of the 10s they had to round that number to. So for example, I gave them the number 43 and asked what two 10s does 43 go between. The answer was 40 and 50 and since 43 is closer to 40 than it is to 50, 43 would be rounded down to 40. The students caught onto this rather quickly so we moved on to individual work. On the work was yet again two-digit subtraction with regrouping and we worked together in small groups to find the answers.
So after working with the students more and more today, yet another two students had a light bulb go off and suddenly they understand the material and are really excited about it! That makes me super excited as well. Most of the students kept asking me to write more regrouping problems for them and so I did. After working on them for a bit, the students came back showed me their work, their answers, and then explained what they did and... it was amazing!! I am so, so proud of the second graders and how excited they are about math. I'm looking forward to what next week has in store. For now, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Best Wishes,
-Laura Hill

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